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26 Referalls Dalam 12 Hari

Posted by Madong Arizona On 07.06 5 comments

Jangan pernah berpikir bahwa mencari donwline itu mudah!!
itulah pekerjaan yang paling susah.. Mengajak orang untuk mencari $$$

saya sebenarnya tidak tahu apa yang mesti saya lakukan di Yagatta.com, bahkan sampai sekarang FAQ nya belum ada, klo ingin mengetahui kita mesti message ke Yagatta. yang kutahu hanya 2000 member pertama akan dapat FREE Profit Sharing moga-moga aja beneran.

bagi teman-teman semuanya, yang sudah terbiasa dengan Yuwie, RFN, friendswin, Bizprenuer, Lazzeo, dll, pasti sudah tahu cara kerja Social Network ini. maka saran saya daftarlah.. sebelum Quota 2000 itu habis, sehingga kita bisa mendapat FREE Profit Sharing-Nya. (besar kecil Profit Sharingx saya gk tahu) buka aja http://www.yagatta.com (yg mau daftar lewat ref saya, baca postinganku sebelumx) lalu register, jadi dech

ya.. salah satu juga penyebab mengapa akhir-akhir ini jarang ngeronda karena begitu banyak message yg masuk yang mesti dibalas di yagatta.com, yang kebanyakan memakai bahasa Inggris gaul yg susah di mengerti.

jadi maaf yach,.. klo baru sekarang baru saya NGERONDA lagi...

UK Mortgages with Fool.co.uk

Posted by Madong Arizona On 04.21 0 comments
mortgage is a legal arrangement by which people borrow money from a bank or a similar organization for buying a house, and pay the money back over a period of years. A bank and a similar organization is the right place for helping you own house, property, land by their mortgages program.

Don't get confused finding mortgage quotes for UK mortgage, you can try http://www.fool.co.uk/. this is a very complete comparison mortage website that allow their costumers to find the best rate for their badget. and this site also provide you some information about credit cards, personal loans, saving accounts, house and car insurances, real estate and some mortgage information. see the list top five provider for mortgage and compare their Subsequent Rate and Initial Rate & Period, Max. Loan To Value and Overall Cost For Comparison and Fees & Other Charges. they are absolutely low rate.

So if you want find mortgage with Get quotes that fit with your budget, they have low by searching several types of mortgages from fixed rate mortgages to Pay-to-Let mortgages,

BRITON School FC kalah lagiii

Posted by Madong Arizona On 22.14 2 comments

Setelah BRITON School FC Makassar ditaklukkan oleh Dian Harapan School FC dengan skor telak kalo gk salah 11 - 1 di Lapangan Sekolah Dian Harapan Makassar.

kini BRITON School FC Kendari ditantang oleh Dinas Kesehatan Prop Kendari FC. dan tentu saja hasilnya lebih bagus dikit lah, meski masih kalah 5 - 3 tapi itu sudah lumayan bila di bandingkan dengan hasil pertandingan di makassar melawan DH FC.

Pertandingan berlangsung seru di Stadion Laki Dende, merupakan stadion kebanggaan masyarakat Kendari. gol-gol Briton School FC di cetak oleh Mr. AG. 2 gol. dan Mr. Ami 1 gol. di pihak Dinas Kesehatan Prop Kendari di cetak oleh,... Waduh gk kenal nama-nama pemainnya, habis lupa wawancara setelah pertandingan.
Pertandingan tsb ditonton oleh sekitar 300 supporter Dinas Kesehatan sebagian besar keluarga dan karyawan Dinas kesehatan dan juga dari berbagai Rumah sakit kendari. Dan Briton School FC sendiri didukung oleh lebih 500an supporter yang pastinya merupakan Student dan keluarganya.

Namun meski didukung oleh supporter yang lebih banyak, Yaaa... KALAH Juga,...

Step Up 2 the Streets

Posted by Madong Arizona On 06.45 0 comments

I want to write something about this Step Up 2 the Streets Movie.
When rebellious street dancer Andie lands at the elite Maryland School of the Arts, she finds herself fighting to fit in while also trying to hold onto her old life. When she joins forces with the school's hottest dancer Chase to form a crew of classmate outcasts to compete in Baltimore's underground dance battle The Streets, she ultimately finds a way to live her dream while building a bridge bet

This movie Directed by Jon Chu. With Briana Evigan, Robert Hoffman, Adam G. Sevani.

  • Briana Evigan ... Andie
  • Robert Hoffman ... Chase Collins
  • Adam G. Sevani ... Moose
  • Cassie ... Sophie (as Cassie Ventura)
  • Danielle Polanco ... Missy
  • Christopher Scott ... Hair
  • Mari Koda ... Jenny Kido
  • Janelle Cambridge ... Fly
  • Luis Rosado ... Monster
  • Harry Shum Jr. ... Cable
  • LaJon Dantzler ... Smiles
  • Telisha Shaw ... Felicia
  • Black Thomas ... Tuck
  • Kmel Howell ... K-Mel (as Kejamel 'K-Mel' Howell)
  • Jeff 'Rapid' Ogle ... Rapid

Watch the free movie here or here

Get Healty Diet With Juicer

Posted by Madong Arizona On 03.21 7 comments

Do you often go to healthy diet store just to see some good product to loose some weight? now days there are so many ways to loose some weight doing exercise everyday, not eat much junk food also a good way, but the most important thing is consuming natural food and fruits.

to find some a natural food or fruit in a store is rarely difficult to find, we need to make the juice at home for making sure that what we are going to consume is natural. for healthy diet, Juicer is must be a part of your life, more natural and more healthier.

Walking to some stores to do juicer reviews for some different product will be a confusing job, would be better if we do juicer reviews in the internet, simple, easy, and faster you could try http://wize.com/juicers they provide all the kind of juicer with special prices from many resources. so people can compare with another juicers

today, there are so many people having problem with their financial condition because they had bad credit loans and or another credit that they don't know the situation and condition after getting the money. this condition grow by the day all over the world and specially in the U.S

Managing financial future is not as easy as people might hope, but it is not as difficult as what people think, the easy way to manage is to find lots of resource to help us manage all the thing correctly. managing credit is same meaning with managing our life in the future, if people manage the credit badly, their future will be bad too, but if people have a good management in credit, the result of the future will be Fantastic.

to have a good resource, you can compare some bad credit offer in http://www.badcreditoffers.com/, this site people can compare of dozen credit offer from all the major provider and people can find the best credit offer that suitable for their condition and fit with their needs. And by making payments on time, consumers can rebuild their credit and, perhaps, their financial future.

beside personal loans, they also provide some information for Credit card, Credit repair and consolidation service, Auto loans, and home loans. so just compare all of them before get the right credit for you.

Apakah itu Yagatta

Posted by Madong Arizona On 20.38 2 comments
Salah satu hobi saya main internetan yaitu gabung di berbagai sitis-situs pertemanan online, Diantara sekian banyak Situs pertemanan yang saya ikuti, ada beberapa situ yang biasa biasa saja(FS, LC, Hi, dll), ada pula yang membayar anggotanya (myviewin, friendswin, Yuwie, RFN, BIZPRENUER, LAZZEO, CLEANWATERCHALLENGE, HAMMERTHEALMIGHTY dll,) dan dari sekian banyak situs pertemanan itu, myviewin yg memberi komisi lebih. klo Yuwie, Waduhh,... Cuapek DEch,.. dan rata-tara mereka semua akan membayar lebih banyak apabila kita mengupgrade status kita. dan kita bisa berhasil apabila mempunyai banyak downline yang aktif. apabila mereka tidak aktif, sama saja, kita gk akan dapat apa-apa,

dan ada lagi nich,.. situs pertemanan baru yang saya ikutin namanya Yagatta.com, seorang teman di RFN memberitahu saya, sebagai rasa terimakasih dan menghormati infonya, saya pun ngikut daftar di yagatta.com. tepatnya tanggal 10 February 2008, atau 5 hari yang lalu. 11 February saya memasang banner Yagatta di salah satu situs pertemananku RFN. dan di tanggal 12 saya menerima beberapa message di inbox. isinya mebuat hati senang. kata-katanya kebanyakan begini "I join under you in Yagatta.com, my friend" tentu saya senang sekali, karena selama ini, menurutku, itulah pekerjaan yang paling susah, mencari orang untuk diajak mencari uang.

saat itu pula, saya langsung log in di yagatta.com apa benar mereka-mereka itu masuk terdaftar di listku?.. namun apa yang terjadi.... Yaaa,... namanya juga situ baru, list downline belum bisa dilihat, hanya mengunggu pengumuman dari yang punya website. hehehe,.. saya pun mencoba masuk di forumnya,.. dan bertanya pada yang punya website, dimana kita bisa tahu berapa downline kita. keesokan harinya tanggal 13 February 2008, mereka merelease daftar member dengan jumlah referall terbanyak, posisi satu ditempati oleh seseorng dengan ID: oliviu dengan 106 ref. yang ke 2 mitch98 yang ke 3 abacnok dan namaku berada di urutan ke 4 dari 31 nama yang tertulis

Tapi bukan hal ini yang membuat saya Shock!!, ada hal lain yang membuatku jadi penasaran, di Messaging Board, ada Tulisan "FREE PROFIT SHARING FOR 2000 FiRST REGISTER". Wowww.. Profit Sharing GRATIS saudara-saudara. yang bener aja,... mana ada social network yg mau bagi2 dengan Gratis hanya masuk dalam daftar 2000 pendaftar pertama, biasanyakan harus upgrade status dulu,... tapi apapun yang terjadi, Yang jelasnya pada saat Postingan ini saya tulis masih ada kuota 277. dan moga-moga aja FREE Profit Sharingnya betulan.

Hanya berselang beberapa jam setelah Daftar referall terbanyak itu dikeluarkan, jusup
membari ucapan selamat (jusuf klo u sempat baca postingan ini, tolong kasih tahu, nama blog kamua apa?), dan menanyakan bagaimana carane dapat referal yang segitu dalam 2 hari?. jawabku,.. sama yang saya katakan sebelumnya, pasang aja bannernya di profile, gk percaya???. jelasnya hanya itu yg kubuat,

saya pasti donk tidak akan mengirim email dalam jumlah yang super buanyak.. entar bisa-bisa dibilangin SPAM. kenapa karena saya juga tidak suka dikirimin email2 SPAM,
saya juga Gk suka pasang2 iklan di board, Takut dibilanging Tkng Spam juga. dan semua postingan ada di board pasti tidak akan saya ikutin.

Terus, selama ini saya juga tidak mengirim / mengajak para blogger lainnya untuk ikut Yagatta, apalagi yang udah senior. karena saya tahu,... hehehe,.. kalo kita mengajak mereka-mereka nich, pasti akan banyak jawaban yg datang. tapi intinya Mereka pasti tidak akan jadi referal kita. and banyak juga yg dengan sengaja menghapus ID ref yang tertulis di URL. (maklum pengalaman waktu di Yuwie dulu)

Untuk yang belum mendaftarkan diri, daftar aja sekarang sebelum kuota 277 itu habis
inilah URL-ku http://yagatta.com/signup/friend_sync38/
Yang Mau daftar melalui Saya Klik disini,
dan klo kamu punya banyak pertanyaan ttg yagatta, message saya disana
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Family Run Holiday Boutique with Whistler

Posted by Madong Arizona On 19.36 3 comments
Holiday Whistler is a company for vacation rental based in Whistler, BC. They have a difference with others. They are specialist in family-run holiday boutique where people can have their tailor-made to their specific needs. And they also offer a wide variety of properties for rent all year round.

Whistler accommodation is completely perfect, people can choose how many things that they need and set the date and location for holiday. So just find a perfect accommodation that suit you. The also prepare accommodations for large group of people. For more, just open the ten bedroom properties that they have prepared. And another facilities that they offer is Whistler lodging or Whistler condo rental and some ski-in, ski-out and have wood-burning fireplaces and private hot tubs.

And now this is the time for you and your loved ones to get a perfect holidays during this february romantic month with http://www.holidaywhistler.com/

There are four things that people need to know when visiting Spain, Marbella, Torremolinos, Benidorm, and Sitges. Marbella is a city in Andalusia Spain, and it is an important beach in Costa del Sol. And has become a famous destination for all tourist from all over the world. And if you like play golf, this place suitable for you. Marbella is easy to reach from other places like Algecires and Malaga by bus and people usually spend their night in Costa Del Sol Marbella Hotels. The second place is Torremolinos, located in southern of Spain and a big city in Costa del Sol and is about 12 km southern of Malaga, this place is famous for tourist from British. And the most famoust hotel there is Costa Del Sol Torremolinos Hotels. And the popular tourist place for British and and Dutch is Benidorm some time they stay in some and Benidorm Hotels walk through the city. And the last is the lovely town Sitges. Located about 35 km of south Barcelona, this place people can find nightlife and vibrant scene. And for rest you can take Sitges Barcelona Hotels
The hotels in Spain are wonderful and have a good acomodation. Tourist can choose from the 1 star to 5 star hotels.
Not Only a place to visit, but coming to Spain people can find Most destinations like the local music scene entertainment venues, culture, art galleries, fashion.

www.bettercaring.com is not only care home but it is a plece for you to get all the answers and care information for yourself and our loved ones. they have a comprehensive care home search engine and some sources of vital information on care.

there are three vital information that you can find easily there; Care information. find all information about care here. Care Search - find the locality that could be near by your place to ger the care. and there three kind of search here, quick care home search, advanced care home search, and my saved care homes. Care Discussion - you can join the forum and discuss some topic that already prepare and or create another ones.

and this is the list of the country that available for care: Channel Islands, England, East Midlands, Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Rutland, East Anglia: Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, North England: Cleveland & Teesside, Cumbria, Durham, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear, North West England: Cheshire, Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Merseyside, London & South East: Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, East Sussex, Essex, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Inner London, Isle of Wight, Kent, Outer London, Oxfordshire, Surrey, West Sussex, South West England: Avon, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Somerset, Wiltshire, West Midlands: Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, West Midlands, Worcestershire, Yorkshire: East Riding of Yorkshire, North Yorkshire, South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, Isle of Man, Northern Ireland: County Antrim, County Armagh, County Down, County Fermanagh, County Londonderry, County Tyrone, Scotland: Aberdeen, Ayrshire, Dumfries & Galloway, Edinburgh & Lothian, Fife, Forth Valley, Glasgow & Inverclyde, Highland & Islands, Lanarkshire, Scottish Borders, Tayside, Wales: Cardiff, Dyfed, Gwent, Gwynedd , North-East Wales, Powys, Rhondda Valley, Swansea


Posted by Madong Arizona On 07.36 9 comments

Ketika saya menulis postingan ini, suara-suara petasan dan kembang api, menderu-deru diluar, Maklum malam tahun baru China, banyak org yang merayakannya,.

Tapi saya malas keluar rumah,.
inilah kesempatanku untuk betah tinggal dirumah menikmati mainan PC Game yg sejak bulan lalu gk tersentuh lagii,.. dan aku merindukannya,.. hohoho,...

maklum banyak kerjaan kantor yg harus diselesaikan, juga koment2 blog yg mesti dibales,

Bagi Chinese tanggal 7 Februari 2008 adalah hari yang baru, hari dimulainya lagi berbagai harapan untuk menjadi lebih baik lagi. tapi bagiku, tanggal 7 Feb, menandakan bahwa saya telah bergabung di smorty selama 10 hari dan 15 di blogvertise (memperingati lah,,), dan selama ini pula, telah terkumpul $230 verfied Earning di my Account. jumlah tersebut memang sangat sedikit bila dibandingkan dengan teman2 yg telah senior dan mampu meraup angka 4 digit $ di tiap minggunya.

Tapi itulah nyatanya, sejak kenal blog bulan Agustus 2007 lalu, Baru Januari tahun ini saya tertarik untuk mempelajari apa-apa yg berhubungan dengan blog (terutama bisnisnya). bahkan sebelumnya sempat libur ngeblogging selama berbulan-bulan, bukan karena keinginan, tapi, waktu itu, saya pengen ganti template, tapi malah hancur, smuanya link2teman ilang!!, cbox hilang, pernak-pernik ilang. Dan saya yg masih newbie, tidak tahu apa-apa, tidak meng-save sebelumnya.

HAHAHA,.. maka sayapun memutuskan berhenti Ngeblog. dan sayapun lupa passwordku, dan kembalilah saya ke aktifitas harianku Without ngeblogging, kalaupun OL, paling cuman Chat.

january tanggal 5, 2008 hari sabtu, saya temukan kembali password blog ini, di buku catatanku yg telah usang. maka aku mencoba log in Lagi. dan berhasil, tanggal 5 itu pula saya memulai memposting lagi.

Tanggal 6 januari 2008, hari minggu, libur kerja, saya datang ke warnetnya Teman Once Jevuska (Aero.net BTP, Makassar), disana dia memotivasi saya dan mengajarkan saya tentang PageRank Google. sayapun mengecek pagerank blog ku, dan ternyata Hasilnya PR = 0, saudara2. Dengan berbagai pengalamannya di blogging, dia mengshare semua pada saya ttg page rank. sehingga minngu depannya Rank-ku berubah menjadi 1, sayapun masih malu untuk menampilkannya, tapi setelah minggu ke 2 bulan january, Rank berubah jadi 4, (saat itu katanya ada perubahan pagerank di ggogle)

Setelah PR ku berubah menjadi 4, barulah Once Jevuska mengajariku bagaimana blog bisa mengasilkan, tapi saat itu yg diajarkan baru blogvertise, itulah 15 hari yg lalu. dan 5 hari kemudian dia mengajariku ttg smorty. dan yg lainnya, dan masih banyak yg perlu saya pelajari. saya memang meminta untuk diajari bertahap.
kan capek dipelajari semuanya.

Besok saya istirahat dulu, pingin bobo seharian, supaya bisa ngeronda lagi,... dan Hari minggu nanti saya akan datang lagi Once atau ke Asta, UNTUK BERGURU,!!

Dengan 598 entries koment yg ada dishoutbox (sejak 5 Jan 2008), maka saya sangat berTerima kasih untuk teman2 yg telah memberi koment, saya tahu sebagian besar dari anda mengenal nama "MADONG" dengan http://m-lines.blogspot.com Nya baru di tahun ini,(kecuali dgn beberapa teman seperti jevuska, Afrid, Asta dll). salam kenal semuanya,

Harapan terbesarku, pastinya kepingin juga jadi blogger yg hebat sebelum 6 bulan ke depan, dan mampu berbagi dengan semuanya,..
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Fat Jack Hosting

Posted by Madong Arizona On 07.34 3 comments

the http://www.fatjackhosting.com based out of Suwanee Georgia is a rapidly growing provider and specialist in email marketing hosting solutions, you may choose three hosting that may suit you, Shared Hosting ( $4.97 a month and up 500 Megs diskspace, 15,000 Megs transfer, Linux Servers, cPanel or Plesk) Private Hosting ( $19.97 a month 2000 Megs diskspace, 30,000 Megs transfer, Linux Servers, cPanel or Plesk, 1 unique IP, SSL ready) and Dedicated Server Gold ( $97.00 a month 10 Gigabytes diskspace, 90,000 Megs transfer, 2 unique IP's, Autoresponse Plus ready)

This Fat Jack Hosting has Co Location in some places and for the primary data center located in Atlanta, and the co location in Georgia provides the highest levels of infrastructure redundancies, and the company has 24 hours managing and security colocation services.and another colocation for this company we can find in St Louis, Texas, Indianapolis and New York

http://www.fatjackhosting.com aslo has cooperate with google inc, cPanel, Hackersafe, Autoresponse Plus, Novell, IBM, and Enom, so you will get easily to manage your mail and host everywhere.
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Visit Algarve

Posted by Madong Arizona On 04.16 1 comments
Talking about Algarve, is same talking about a perfect place to relax in Portugal, Algarve's mild climate have attract people most from Notherm Europe to have holidays in this city. golden beaches from cost to cost, crystal clear waters, sun-kisses tourist relaxing, every view pwople can see golden sand, and the white-washed walls of the buildings in the Algarve's old towns.
Picture of Vila Gale Praia Hotel Albufeira
Algarve has become a very popular destination for holidays for many tourist from Britain, German, Dutch and Irish people since 1960s, and become favorite place for Brazil, Ukraine and Cape Verde. they choose this city because of the complete facilities such as publications and newspapers, golf field and Algarve Hotels with good acomodation. the hotels in Algarve not too much different with another popular Portugal Hotels, like Lisbon Hotels and Madeira Hotels.

Everithing in Algarve is complete. the acomodation of hotels, inn, apartment resort etc, for the vehicle, turist can rent cars, bikes, and diving. and for sports, this city peovides Lawn Bowls, Sailing, Tennis, Waterskiing, Windsurfing, Fishing, Horse Riding, Lawn Bowls, Sailing, Scuba Diving, Surfing, Tennis, waterskiing, and Windsurfing infos are available in this city.

Plan your Trips

Posted by Madong Arizona On 19.44 2 comments
Are you planning to have trip to some places this year? having a perfect place for vacation nowdays become a lifestyle. there are so many beautiful places to visit like Hawaii, Caribbean, Bali,or others places.

Remember to find out the situation of the destination places that you want to visit, get time to read some manual book or guidance book for the country and city, prepare everything that would be useful for the trip and don't forget to bring camera.

To make you vacation easier and simple, you could meet vacation rental like Myrtle Beach vacation rentals, Destin vacation rentals, and Naples vacation rentals or the others vacation rental in your country, This directory features some of the world's most unique vacation rentals. A lot of the properties are listed on there.

But Don't Forget Also to visit Indonesian Best Destination "BALI" and "TORAJA"

Month of Romance

Posted by Madong Arizona On 06.26 1 comments
Do you have plan for your valentine day this year? make sure you have a perfect moment in every romantic places that you visit. you can visit Barcelona, Rome, Prague, London, Dublin, New York, or any places to show your love for your spouse. but make sure, you have got book a good hotel in http://www.easytobook.com

May be you think that I'm too fast to write about valentine because today is just the 2nd of february 2008. all because I don't want to be too late for the post. all most of people in this world know that February is the month of romance

in every February, across the nation, country, flowers, candy, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. there are so many people tell the history of this St. Valentine, and Why people celebrated as this Holiday...
In my country Indonesia, peole don't celebrate this Valentine days.and it is not written down in the calendar,
the only people who celebrate it are young generation couples, some of them are senior and junior school students, and entertainments’ stars, and for I my self, I loved to get some more chocolate and having some romantic dinner in Hotels and parks.
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Rugby on RBS6

Posted by Madong Arizona On 05.44 0 comments
England, France, Ireland, Italy, Scotland, and Wales. are great teams for rugby, and the six of them join the 6 national Europe's premier international rugby tournament. that's all that I can find in the http://www.rbs6nations.com the official website for rugby. whre people also can get online games and postcards.

in that site, all rugby fans from all over the world can find rugby news from all teams, the squads, Matchcentre including the Fixture and result of the champion, the table, match data, poster and photos, and videos highlights. and the rugby info. fans also can buy some merchandise and product of licensed official tournament and in the fanzone, fans can get more wallpapers, meet others rugby fans, newsletters and many more.

Get to know the stats and news of best rugby players such as Jonny Wilkinson (England) Neil Jenkins (Wales) Ronan O'Gara (Ireland) Stephen Jones (Wales) Chris Paterson (Scotland) David Humphreys (Ireland) in this site also You can find info for U20’s or U18’s, and even Women’s rugby. so complete and best site for rugby fans. all you need are in there,..
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